June  14, 2022

Episode 7: Chapter 6

Macbeth do not tell to his wife about Banquo murder because people can suspect of she. Macbeth an her wife talk about Duncan and macbeth feel so bad, Lady Macbeth talk to him and then he get relax. The three murders were waiting for Banquo and when they find him they kill him but his son can escape, then the third murder tell to macbeth.
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Episode cover: Chapter 6


00:00:04 - McBaeck didn't tell his wife of his plan to murder Banquo because people could expect that she was implicated too.

00:00:13 - However, he'll desesperate to hear if the plan had worked.

00:00:18 - Lady McBaeck not eyes of the nervous he was.

00:00:23 - What's the matter with you? She asked the next night.

00:00:27 - As she watches my great walking up and down the room, what stone is done, don't spend more time thinking about don't come.

00:00:37 - You are king now, try to act like one she added.

00:00:42 - You don't understand, he said, tightly.

00:00:46 - We have hurt the snake but not killed it.

00:00:50 - There are still deadly enemies out there and there waiting for us.

00:00:56 - Oh...for he wearn say.

lady might be reply impaliaate.

00:01:02 - You must be positive and strong, not weak and trembling, it's you who don't understand.

00:01:10 - Duncans is in he already he sleeps he well and nothing can hurt him, but i don't believe i will ever sleep well agen.

replied her husband.

her husband. Lady Macbeth was sure that her husband was suffering more than just a guilty conscience.

00:01:31 - Is there something you're not telling me? she asked. I am your wife, trust me. Macbeth only should she say. I will speak when I have got something to say. She said. It's

00:02:16 - Your old friend Banco is coming to the banquet with his son.

00:02:23 - Flings, they will make you feel better.

00:02:27 - McBec, I breathe, you are right, I will go and get ready and remember, he said, with us her look.

00:02:36 - Be kind and welcoming to them.

00:02:39 - Don't worry, say they hear McBec as she saw it that way, everything is ready.

00:02:46 - But not far away in a wood near the castle the three martyrs were also ready, they hid in the forest, waiting for Banquo and Friens to pass by. Soon they saw torches and heard horses along the road.

00:03:02 - One of the men came up behind Banquo silently and ignored the torch out of his hand, another attack him with him dagger.

00:03:13 - Rn Flins Rn, shat Banko to his son.

00:03:19 - They are going to kill me. They revenge for my mother.

00:03:24 - Where's the boi? Shat the third mother in confession.

00:03:29 - Man qued order to ask to kill them both.

00:03:33 - Where is he?

00:03:35 - But it was too late. Flins escaped into the dark shadows.

00:03:40 - As Pankola's cries disappeared into the night, the tear-murder ran to the sand-castle, he found Macbeth along the whispered in the east air the news of Pankola's murder on Plainscape.

00:03:56 - Macbeth faced, turn-wide he didn't speak, but hurry and don't stare to do it, he gets deep into the talk.

00:04:05 - Lady Macbeth was already entertaining their visitors with food and wine.

00:04:11 - Big candles, born brightly in the great hall of musicians, played traditional songs.

00:04:19 - Macbeth entered the room with lanus and rose.

00:04:23 - Welcome everyone, he cried.

00:04:26 - Thank you for coming.

00:04:29 - Let's eat and be happy.

00:04:31 - Punch Man

00:04:53 - At me, my bed cried in a third boy.

00:04:59 - Only my bed could see the ghost of Bangkok.

00:05:04 - My bed felt the floor and the ghost disappeared.

00:05:09 - His guest looked at one another in a lamp.

00:05:13 - Are you your majesty?

00:05:16 - Asked Lenos.

00:05:18 - How can we help?

00:05:20 - Magbeth's face was now wide with fear.

00:05:24 - He pointed to the empty chair.

00:05:27 - Later Magbeth realized something was wrong and tried to take control.

00:05:32 - Please sit down friends.

00:05:34 - She said softly.

00:05:36 - My lord often has strange visions.

00:05:39 - Don't worry.

00:05:40 - He will be with him.

00:05:43 - Then she turned to Magbeth, trying to sound cheerful in front to her guest.

— — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — —

00:06:19 - So, Lady Margaret whispered, there is nobody there, the ghost disappeared again.

00:06:26 - I saw him, look there, Crayon Matthew pointing to where the ghost had sat.

00:06:34 - Didn't you see him?

00:06:37 - The only thing I see is you acting like for the whispered Lady Margaret angrily.

00:06:44 - What can you see, Your Majesty?

last ask it rose before mcbeth coolans were lady mcbeth into a room afraid of what her husband was going to reveal can you see my husband is here please leave at once she is a hurry good night everyone the night the king will be well soon the people left and mcbeth was calmer, but his eyes were full of fear. Lady Macbeth helped her husband to his room.

00:07:25 - It's almost morning, said Lady Macbeth. You must go to sleep.

00:07:29 - Sleep? He replied, angry. I have told you. I will never sleep again.

00:07:37 - You are being too dramatic, said Lady Macbeth. As she walked from his room,

00:07:43 - McBeth was glad to see her go. I will go and see the three old woman tomorrow. McBeth said to himself,

00:07:52 - I must know what's going to happen. I am standing in a river of blood.

00:07:57 - It's too death for me and there's no escape.

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