August  8, 2022

Episode 7: CHapter 6

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Episode cover: CHapter 6

00:00:00 - Chapter 3, Lady Macbeth's Idea

00:00:06 - It was evening and Lady Macbeth was sitting in her bedroom, in the same castle.

00:00:13 - She was reading the letter from her husband by candlelight.

00:00:19 - Her mind raced as she imagined Macbeth's meeting with the three strange old women in the forest.

00:00:26 - Lord of Glamis, soon to be Lord of Cauldron, then King.

00:00:30 - She read aloud, repeating Macbeth's words.

00:00:34 - This is a sign, a wonderful opportunity for Macbeth to be King of Scotland and for me to be Queen.

00:00:44 - Lady Macbeth walked around the room, deep in thought,

00:00:48 - I know you're ambitious and you want to do great things, she said.

00:00:53 - Imagine she was talking to her husband, but you are too kind-hearted to commit murder, and that's surely what you must do for us to become king and queen.

00:01:06 - Lady Macbeth put the letter on the table, her eyes shining with strange excitement.

00:01:12 - She went to the mirror and examined her reflection, and then walked to the open window.

00:01:19 - Nothing moved outside, and then the night was silent.

00:01:24 - Suddenly, Lady Macbeth heard the unmistakable sound of a raven, a sign of evil in the air.

00:01:35 - It sounds like a witch's love, she exclaimed trembling.

00:01:40 - Just then, a messenger knocked on the door and entered quietly.

00:01:45 - Well, say Lady Macbeth calling, without turning away from the window.

00:01:50 - What is it?

00:01:52 - My gracious lady, King Duncan is on his way to his castle with his servants and wants to stay there, say the messenger, respectfully.

00:02:04 - You must prepare a great banquet for his majesty.

00:02:08 - Lady Macbeth did not turn around.

00:02:10 - All will be well, she said, as she sent the messenger away with an impatient wave over her hand.

00:02:17 - As soon as she left, she turned away from the window and fell to her knees in prayer.

00:02:26 - Oh, you marvelling spirit, she cried passionately, turn my toes black with evil, stop me thinking like a woman and help me to act like a man.

me with terrible cruelty and give me the power to put Margaret into Macbeth's heart.

00:02:45 - As she said this word, she heard Macbeth's footsteps on the stairs and stood up.

00:02:53 - My noble lord of Glamis, and now of Coudor, she cried with a smile, and she kisses her husband.

00:03:03 - Your letters have filled me with a well-happiness that I can't describe.

00:03:08 - I am happy to be home with you again, my love, Saint Matthew, accepting a large glass of wine from his wife.

00:03:18 - But we must get ready.

00:03:21 - King Duncan arrived here tonight.

00:03:24 - Yes, I know, his wife replied, as Abel Taub filled her brain.

00:03:31 - For how long?

00:03:32 - When will he leave?

00:03:35 - He'll go tomorrow morning," replied Macbeth.

00:03:39 - Kim Duncan won't see the sunrise tomorrow or ever again, whispered Lady Macbeth to her husband.

00:03:47 - We must act quickly and decisively.

00:03:50 - When he arrives, you must look like an innocent flower, but you must behave like the snake hiding underneath it.

00:04:00 - Macbeth didn't understand.

00:04:02 - He'll never see the sunrise again.

00:04:05 - What are you talking about?" he asked, but stopped abruptly as he stood his wife's face and her meaning became clear.

00:04:14 - I can't do such a thing.

00:04:16 - Do you hear me?

00:04:18 - I won't," he shouted, but Lady Margaret only shook her head.

00:04:24 - She whispered, pulling away her finger on her husband's lips, and his words of protest died away.

00:04:32 - My love, we can and we will, she said firmly.

00:04:37 - We must act tonight while the king is sleeping.

00:04:41 - If we don't take this opportunity, now we'll never have another one.

00:04:48 - Leave everything to me, I'll plan it all.

00:04:51 - Now we must prepare to welcome the king.

00:04:54 - With this word, Lady Macbeth kisses her husband and walks from the room, leaving Macbeth alone in shock and confusion.

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