August  8, 2022

Episode 10: Chapter 10

Macduff returned to scotland with Malcom and his uncle siward, a general in english army. Angus was in the army with Macbeth and they where there wen the lord of caudor. Macbeth was like a mad man, laked inside his castle with the few servants and soldier who remained loyal to him. A servant knocked on Macbeth bedroom door, timidly. Macbeth ignored the knock and threw a book at the door when the servant entered. Damm shouted Macbeth and they where furius, finally they get a conclusion, Macbeth was the only that can cure himself
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Episode cover: Chapter 10

00:00:00 - Chapter 10 Madoff returned to Skolath with Malcolm and his uncle Sigurd, a general in

00:00:07 - English army. Angus was the army with Mbeth and they were there when the Lord of the Caudor,

00:00:15 - Mbeth was like a mad man, laid inside his castle with a few servants and soldiers who remained loyal to him. A servant knocked the door of Mbeth's room. Mbeth is not the nook and threw a book at the door when the servant entered.

00:00:34 - Damn shoot my bed, and there was Fulius, finally they get a conclusion, my bed was the only one that can cure herself, the doctor shook his head and turned away from him my bed.

00:00:49 - They went to leave the tin castle as quickly as possible, there was nothing more he can do, Marcom was consulting with his uncle Sigurd, the dotting task castor about fights and battles.

00:01:05 - Many wild soldiers get branches from the trees in the forest and within a short time.

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