Abril  15, 2022

Episodio 1: Iter Criminis. Introducción

Repaso a los crímenes más horripilantes ocurridos en España y además nos adentramos en la mente de los asesinos para saber porqué asesinan
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Episode cover: Iter Criminis. Introducción


00:00:33 - Hello to all the listeners.

00:00:35 - My name is Ignacio Putsch-Carles and today I start a series of episodes in polkas dedicated to cases of murderers and also of murderers who have acted in the last 150 years in Spain.

00:00:50 - With the name of ITER CRIMINIS, the path of crime, we are going to analyze in each episode a murderer since it begins to ideate an assassinator until he executes it.

00:01:01 - We are also going to analyze what is going on in those minds so that they can act in such a way that they can be talked about.

00:01:10 - Which or what are the reasons that lead to these acts?

00:01:15 - We are going to see the differences between an homicid and an assassinator from a legal point of view and in short, we are going to analyze with all detail

00:01:25 - Each one of the cases to be able to share with all of you these topics that can lead us to be able to prevent in the measure of what is possible some future action of these people.

00:01:39 - In reality we do not really know the people that surround us.

00:01:43 - A sick mind, hidden, full of hatred and rage, with seven revenge, that at any time can wake up.

00:01:53 - Are we sure?

00:01:55 - Bad traumas?

00:01:57 - Mental damage in childhood?

00:01:59 - A childhood that, of course, is a real hell for its immature mind, can cause, in a given moment, light comes out, the most repulsive and violent actions ever imagined.

00:02:14 - Will we be able to figure it out and be prevented?

00:02:18 - We invite you to know our podcast to analyze the mind of a criminal.

00:02:23 - We are going to do a review of the most important crimes and murders that have happened in the last years in Spain.

00:02:32 - Crimes like the case of the three children of the Valencian population of Macastre,

00:02:40 - Passing by José Antonio Rodríguez Vega, more known by El Mata Viejas, or even Margarita Sánchez Gutiérrez, known as La Viuda Negra de Hospitale.

00:02:54 - I have been able to get from VibiuC News an article published by Michel Mosley, where an analysis of the different techniques used by experts to find out the reasons why a person could be murdered.

00:03:11 - According to the article, the doctor César Lombroso, who was at the time the father of modern criminology, studied prisoners in prison in Turin in the year 1870, and was convinced that the criminals were on a scale below the evolution,

00:03:31 - That is to say, a regression to a type of primitive or infrahuman man.

00:03:37 - Later, three years of study came to the conclusion that it could be identified as a murderer by the shape of his face and by the length excessive of his arms.

00:03:49 - He said that the ears of a criminal are often a gratamite.

00:03:54 - He also pointed out that the nose is frequently sprained and that the assassins had a sharper nose, like the peak of a bird of prey.

00:04:05 - Evidently, detecting a potential murder by these means was not as simple as expected by Dr. Lomproso, and his findings were unaccredited.

00:04:17 - The invention of the techniques, of the image, of the functional magnetic resonance, about the 1980s, revolutionary knowledge of what happens inside our heads.

00:04:33 - The first study was carried out in California by British scientist

00:04:40 - Adria Ray. In the course of many years, the scientist and his team scanned the and almost all of them showed very similar changes.

00:04:51 - There was a reduced activity in the prefrontal cortex, the area of the brain that controls the emotional impulses and an over-activation of the cerebral amygdala, the area that generates the emotions.

00:05:06 - Therefore, it seems that the assassins have brains that make them prone to anger, to anger, and at the same time being less able to control themselves.

00:05:18 - Why is this happening?

00:05:20 - Ray suggests that one of the reasons can be the abuse in childhood that can generate assassins by causing physical damage in the brain produced by these abuses.

00:05:33 - However, we must say that only a small fraction of those who suffer from a terrible childhood who suffer from a terrible childhood become real murderers.

00:05:46 - Can there be other factors that predispose to murder?

00:05:51 - The response was given in 1993 by a Dutch family in which all men had a history of violence.

00:06:02 - Fifteen years of meticulous research revealed that everyone lacked the same gene.

00:06:07 - This gene produces an enzyme called MAOA, which regulates the levels of neuro-transmissures invoked in the control of impulses.

00:06:19 - Therefore, the fact of losing this gene, MAOA, or having a low activity variant is predisposed to the violence.

00:06:29 - It is known as the warrior gene, and around 30% of the men have it, but its activation

00:06:36 - It depends fundamentally on what happens in childhood.

00:06:40 - Therefore, it seems that there is a genetic tendency towards violence and child abuse, which can cause a combination of murder.

00:06:50 - This means that the homicides are born and are done at the same time.

00:06:55 - The current investigations are focused on reducing violent behavior and there are evidences that teaching positive things in the child's life of the families who are at risk is very effective to improve the impulses.

00:07:14 - To finish, I'm going to try a point and a part about the serial killers.

00:07:19 - One can define a serial killer as that person who kills at least three people in different places and times with more than one day of difference between these crimes.

00:07:33 - Existing between one murder and another a cooling period in which he returns to his normal state.

00:07:42 - The murder individual, mobilized by a compulsion.

00:07:46 - This motivation is not clear nor is it compatible.

00:07:50 - It is difficult to understand and the act is reiterated in several murder series.

00:07:56 - According to studies, the majority of serial killers are male sex, and they are between 30 and 40 years old, although there are also murderous women with a lower percentage.

00:08:08 - The climate itself produces a satisfaction in the sexes of the murderer, that is their motivation.

00:08:16 - They are different from the reasons why they commit the murders.

00:08:20 - Sometimes they are driven by feelings of anxiety of power, sometimes it is a motivation given by a sexual compulsion.

00:08:27 - Generally, their victims have certain characteristics in common, and the crimes are carried out similarly.

00:08:37 - Many times, they are determined rituals by the murder.

00:08:41 - It is as if the murderer followed a pre-established environment where he is constantly repeated.

00:08:48 - To kill the murderer seriously, kill his target.

00:08:52 - Generally, these murderers are wise.

00:08:55 - This determines that the murderer does not feel empathy with the suffering of the other.

00:09:00 - He feels a voice provoking suffering and torturing his victim.

00:09:06 - Manipulate the victim.

00:09:09 - I wait for you in the next chapter where we will already analyze, in each of them, an independent and special case of assassins and assassins that have been in Spain for the last few years.

00:09:21 - See you soon!













00:10:03 - You

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