Noviembre  15, 2023

¿Cómo preparar a un entrevistado para tu podcast?

Cómo preparar a un entrevistado para su podcast?
0:13: 🎙️ Tips for preparing a guest for an interview on a podcast, including the importance of establishing a connection and providing guidance beforehand.
3:51: 🎙️ The importance of recording remote interviews to ensure the quality of the final result.
7:53: 🎙️ Tips for preparing an interviewee for a podcast.
11:34: 🎙️ Tips for recording a high-quality podcast
15:55: 🎙️ The importance of preparing the interviewee to generate empathy and avoid limited responses in an interview.
Recapped using Tammy AI

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Episode cover: ¿Cómo preparar a un entrevistado para tu podcast?


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