Marzo  21, 2021

Episodio 5: Noticias - Policía que detiene a narco en Brasil toca Iron Maiden

Te contamos al estilo de Entre Gatos todo lo relacionado al policía que después de detener a un narco en Brasil terminó tocando canciones de Metallica y Iron Maiden
Comparte este episodio:
Episode cover: Noticias - Policía que detiene a narco en Brasil toca Iron Maiden

00:00:30 - Showdown

00:00:31 - Episode 30

00:00:33 - JAIME

00:00:35 - Coming in

00:00:55 - And the top of your head...

00:00:57 - And the top of your head...

00:00:59 - You already had the middle one inside.

00:01:01 - Yes, it's a nice one.

00:01:03 - It's like a pass, man.

00:01:05 - I think it was good because it was already on the drugs.

00:01:08 - Ahhh!

00:01:11 - You're going to take drugs from a nationality.

00:01:14 - Well, turn off this stout camera.

00:01:17 - I only found it in hierbui.

00:01:19 - Oh, in a blue one.

00:01:21 - In Brazil.

00:01:23 - There's a guy with a baton and he missed a barbón baton.

00:01:27 - Yes, of course.

00:01:28 - What's the detail?

00:01:29 - This is the delivery of metal, right?

00:01:32 - From Brazil.

00:01:35 - From the Velodrome of São Paulo.

00:01:38 - From the Velodrome of São Paulo.

00:01:40 - Well, where are you?

00:01:41 - My dear brother, what the hell happened?

00:01:44 - What the hell happened?

00:01:45 - No, what the hell happened?

00:01:47 - Look, Brazil goes through everything.

00:01:48 - Since when are the elders in the area?

00:01:50 - It's good, isn't it?

00:01:52 - Yes.

00:01:53 - Since she's been in a 20-year prison with a fucking dictator she's been choosing another right-wing politician like her name is Bolsonaro.

00:01:59 - Of course.

00:02:00 - And despite everything, man, she's very stupid.

00:02:02 - She's got a fucking desire.

00:02:03 - Oh, my God!

00:02:04 - What the hell is this?

00:02:06 - She's got a fucking Christian desire.

00:02:07 - Oh, my God!

00:02:08 - Oh, my God!

00:02:09 - There's a Christian desire.

00:02:10 - It's a shame to be in that country, man.

00:02:12 - Oh, my God!

00:02:13 - There's something very similar to Mexico, with these fucking...

00:02:16 - Sexual Transmission patients, you know?

00:02:18 - You know?

00:02:19 - Morenos.

00:02:20 - Morenos?

00:02:21 - They win?

00:02:22 - Balloons, we have Garcys, those guys are safe to live in.

00:02:26 - Yes, they are safe to live in.

00:02:28 - They have balls, but I always give them balls.

00:02:31 - They always learn to play them.

00:02:33 - And apart from all this, they have bad decisions.

00:02:36 - Which is what puts the vision in between.

00:02:40 - But apart from that, there are good mamons, right?

00:02:42 - Because they said that the selection of Brazil was to train at the beach of Rio and La Chingada.

00:02:47 - And we have our soccer fields.

00:02:49 - But they have a festival.

00:02:51 - We have a festival full of morales with fish.

00:02:54 - Fish.

00:02:55 - That's right.

00:02:56 - Fish.

00:02:57 - Fish.

00:02:58 - That's right.

00:02:59 - Fish.

00:03:00 - That's right.

00:03:01 - But the fish.

00:03:02 - But we have fish that we want.

00:03:05 - We have fish, right?

00:03:07 - But we're not going to...

00:03:09 - We're going to try so much on the fish.

00:03:11 - Tell me what's coming after the fish.

00:03:13 - Death, right?

00:03:15 - Death.

00:03:16 - Exactly.

00:03:17 - Then Freddie Mercury.

00:03:18 - We're going to play a disc in Wembley.

00:03:20 - We're going to do a live hit.

00:03:22 - Like the...

00:03:24 - No, wake up.

00:03:26 - Wake up, wake up, wake up, wake up.

00:03:28 - I think Peje was the first one to do it.

00:03:30 - No, Peje was recording things.

00:03:32 - No, his wife was recording things.

00:03:34 - With people, no.

00:03:36 - I was told that it's a brother country which we've never been to, but we're not going to go there.

00:03:42 - I'd like to go there.

00:03:44 - You're a brother, aren't you?

00:03:46 - I haven't been to the city and I want to go there.

00:03:48 - Oh, I see.

00:03:49 - Sometimes you can't wait.

00:03:50 - No, sometimes you can't wait at the city.

00:03:52 - So I'd like to go to Brazil, and get a caipirinha, man.

00:03:57 - Oh, man.

00:03:59 - This is something they put in the state of Mexico, right?

00:04:02 - The city is made in the state of Mexico.

00:04:05 - Besides, we're talking about the only thing we know about Brazil.

00:04:07 - The caipirinha.

00:04:09 - It's not a movie, man.

00:04:11 - It's not a movie, it's a chucha.

00:04:13 - It's a fight.

00:04:15 - What a piece of shit!

00:04:17 - Here we have our Pelé, which is this...

00:04:19 - How are you going to open the picture?

00:04:20 - The Gully Teña!

00:04:21 - The Gully Teña!

00:04:23 - The Gully Teña in your Pelé!

00:04:24 - No, Signia!

00:04:25 - Signia!

00:04:26 - Ah, Signia!

00:04:27 - Ah, no, no, no!

00:04:28 - Sagi!

00:04:30 - Ah, yes!

00:04:31 - With Chumple and everything!

00:04:33 - Oh, you know!

00:04:34 - Well, Sagi!

00:04:35 - To the left, he hit me with the...

00:04:37 - What?

00:04:38 - He hit you with the...

00:04:39 - He hit you with the...

00:04:40 - Why did he hit you?

00:04:41 - Oh, no, no, no!

00:04:42 - Look, Sagi was very good!

00:04:44 - He always does it.

00:04:46 - He always does it.

00:04:48 - They were in front of his place.

00:04:50 - I said, look, look, the apple is hotter.

00:04:54 - And the banana is smaller.

00:04:56 - But it takes time, it takes time for someone to understand it because it's all so gray.

00:05:00 - Yeah, because it's not in the brain.

00:05:02 - It's not in the brain.

00:05:04 - It's all in the other side.

00:05:06 - It's always very firm.

00:05:08 - It's the logic of his fucking life.

00:05:10 - He always does it.

00:05:12 - It's the only one in Mexico that has 60 of them living in Mexico and they don't even know how to get rid of that fucking accent.

00:05:20 - No, we're talking about the fucking Corje Campos that's still going on with your chanclases.

00:05:25 - But it's not a capulco.

00:05:26 - It's not a capulco.

00:05:28 - It's not a capulco.

00:05:30 - But it's not a capulco.

00:05:33 - Wait, wait, wait, wait.

00:05:36 - Someone is trying to speak Spanish.

00:05:39 - We go to campos.

00:05:41 - That's good!

00:05:43 - I'm going to talk to that guy.

00:05:45 - I'm going to talk to that guy.

00:05:47 - I'm going to talk to that guy.

00:05:49 - I'm going to talk to that guy.

00:05:51 - I'm going to talk to that guy.

00:05:53 - They're going to kill each other.

00:05:55 - But anyway, because I've been to the beach and his Brazilian pinch gave me a pendejo.

00:05:59 - And I went to Brazil.

00:06:01 - Ok, suddenly...

00:06:03 - They stopped to suffer.

00:06:05 - They stopped to suffer.

in the town of Espíritu Santo, Espíritu Santo, to the roundabout of the favela.

00:06:15 - To the roundabout of the Par de Sefrío.

00:06:17 - The Par de Sefrío.

00:06:18 - The Par de Sefrío.

00:06:19 - The Par de Sefrío.

00:06:20 - The Par de Sefrío.

00:06:21 - The Par de Sefrío.

00:06:22 - The Par de Sefrío.

00:06:23 - The Par de Sefrío.

00:06:24 - The Par de Sefrío.

00:06:25 - The Par de Sefrío.

00:06:26 - The Par de Sefrío.

00:06:27 - The Par de Sefrío.

00:06:28 - The Par de Sefrío.

00:06:29 - The Par de Sefrío.

00:06:30 - The Par de Sefrío.

00:06:31 - The Par de Sefrío.

00:06:32 - The Par de Sefrío.

00:06:33 - The Par de Sefrío.

00:06:34 - The Par de Sefrío.

00:06:35 - The Par de Sefrío.

00:06:36 - We have the same actors.

00:06:38 - Very good, very good.

00:06:39 - That's why we say Guardia Nacional.

00:06:43 - Guardiña Nacional.

00:06:44 - Guardiña Nacional.

00:06:45 - Guardiña Nacional.

00:06:46 - Let's go.

00:06:47 - Let's go.

00:06:48 - Señor, señor, señor Hindarni.

00:06:50 - There are a few places.

00:06:52 - No, no.

00:06:53 - You already know.

00:06:54 - There are a few.

00:06:55 - There are a few.

00:06:56 - There are a few.

00:06:57 - There are a few.

00:06:58 - Señoriño.

00:06:59 - Señoriño.

00:07:00 - You leave them in peace.

00:07:01 - Señori.

00:07:02 - You said the song of...

00:07:04 - It's the past, it's the past, it's the past, it's the past, it's the past, it's the past, it's the past, it's the past, it's the past, it's the past, it's the past, it's the past, it's the past, it's the past, it's the past, it's the past, it's the past, it's the past, it's the past, it's the past, it's the past, it's the past, it's the past, it's the past, it's the past, it's the past, it's the past, it's the past, it's the past, it's the past, it's the past, it's the past, it's the past, it's the past, it's the past, it's the past, it's the past, it's the past, it's the past, it's the past, it's the past, it's the past, it's the past, it's the past, it's the

00:07:34 - When I was a kid I was a cutie

00:07:36 - I was like, what's wrong with my mom?

00:07:38 - I was like, yes, yes

00:07:40 - When I was a kid I was my mom

00:07:42 - I was a man in a Quintana

00:07:44 - She was hitting me down here

00:07:46 - It was like this little boy

00:07:48 - He was hitting me down here with the pink

00:07:50 - What are we doing here?

00:07:52 - It's for the black man

00:07:54 - He was like

00:07:56 - It was like

00:07:58 - She was like, it's just you

00:08:00 - You know

00:08:02 - I don't know if he knows.

00:08:03 - I don't know if he knows.

00:08:04 - You don't know that he knows.

00:08:06 - There you go.

00:08:07 - I don't know if it's called Black Mamba, dude.

00:08:08 - It's like this car from Swatway.

00:08:10 - Oh, okay.

00:08:10 - Completely black, dude.

00:08:13 - Black Mamba.

00:08:15 - Black Mamba.

00:08:16 - That's what it's called.

00:08:17 - This is the one that's going to bring you shit, right?

00:08:19 - No, no, no.

00:08:20 - You know it's going to bring you shit.

00:08:21 - Yes, yes, yes.

00:08:21 - No, yes.

00:08:22 - No, no, no.

00:08:22 - No, no, no.

00:08:23 - No, no, no.

00:08:24 - But yes.

00:08:25 - It's from Swat, region 4.

00:08:27 - Then you arrive with this little bitch, with your Black Mambi.

00:08:31 - I'm a big one, man.

00:08:32 - There's three cameras.

00:08:33 - No, because I was recorded on camera.

00:08:36 - They were a studio, a studio, a city of God, three guys.

00:08:40 - Ah, it was as if it was infield.

00:08:42 - Ah!

00:08:43 - No, no, no, no.

00:08:45 - No, no.

00:08:46 - No, no, no, no, no, no.

00:08:47 - No, you're wrong.

00:08:48 - Look at this.

00:08:49 - This is the perfect program.

00:08:50 - Infield, infield.

00:08:51 - Infield is a fucking kid.

00:08:53 - It's fucking cool.

00:08:56 - I'm a fucking kid.

00:08:57 - Infield, look at my ass.

00:09:00 - No, no, no.

00:09:02 - Calm down.

00:09:04 - He's a boy.

00:09:06 - He's a boy.

00:09:08 - He's my girlfriend.

00:09:10 - He's my girlfriend too.

00:09:12 - He's my girlfriend.

00:09:14 - He's my girlfriend.

00:09:16 - Greetings to the orange.

00:09:18 - Greetings to the orange.

00:09:20 - Greetings to the heart.

00:09:22 - Greetings to the penis.

00:09:24 - No, man.

00:09:26 - Greetings to the baby.

00:09:28 - They're taking the favelas.

00:09:29 - They're taking the favelas.

00:09:31 - But while they're dancing, they're dancing.

00:09:33 - No, they're dancing while others are dancing.

00:09:35 - And I'm kidding because they're a bunch of stairs.

00:09:38 - It's like you're going up to the Christ of Raides.

00:09:40 - They interrupt the pedamanda of Teligitwe, they interrupt the peda Ronaldinho, they interrupt the pedadreano of Sinha, they stop their friends.

00:09:48 - They stop their friends.

00:09:49 - They stop their children.

00:09:51 - They help them pick up their shit.

00:09:54 - They help them move.

00:09:56 - We brought you a little devil so you can take care of your mother, right?

00:09:59 - They'll come to the house promised, right?

00:10:01 - They'll come to the house promised, right?

00:10:03 - And well, Turkey will go to the house promised.

00:10:05 - You haven't even told them.

00:10:06 - What's the bad news?

00:10:07 - They'll come to the house promised with an archaeologist.

00:10:09 - An archaeologist.

00:10:10 - An archaeologist.

00:10:11 - An archaeologist.

00:10:12 - An archaeologist.

00:10:14 - Dedicated to Narco.

00:10:15 - What?

00:10:16 - That he had his stanzinhas.

00:10:18 - Oh, my girls.

00:10:20 - Oh, my girls.

00:10:21 - No, my girls.

00:10:22 - But he had the crequillo.

00:10:23 - Oh, my girls.

00:10:24 - The little baby!

00:10:30 - He brought the ecstasy!

00:10:34 - How cute!

00:10:35 - You have to put the camera in!

00:10:37 - You have to put your camera in!

00:10:40 - Some wonderful places we all know.

00:10:44 - Of course!

00:10:46 - With his little flathead and all this shit.

00:10:48 - With the boy in his chest.

00:10:51 - And the boy in the middle of Carlos

00:10:53 - I don't know, I don't know, I don't know, I don't know, I don't know, I don't know, I don't know, I don't know, I don't know, I don't know, I don't know, I don't know, I don't know, I don't know, I don't know, I don't know, I don't know, I don't know, I don't know, I don't know, I don't know, I don't know, I don't know, I don't know, I don't know, I don't know, I don't know, I don't know, I don't know, I don't know, I don't know, I don't know, I don't know, I don't know, I don't know, I don't know, I don't know, I don't know, I don't know, I don't know, I don't know, I don't know, I don't know, I don't know, I don't

00:11:23 - Come on, come on, come on, come on, come on, come on, come on, come on, come on, come on, come on, come on, come on, come on, come on, come on, come on, come on, come on, come on, come on, come on, come on, come on, come on, come on, come on, come on, come on, come on, come on, come on, come on, come on, come on, come on, come on, come on, come on, come on, come on, come on, come on, come on, come on, come on, come on, come on, come on, come on, come on, come on, come on, come on, come on, come on, come on, come on, come on, come on, come on, come on, come on, come on, come on, come on, come on, come on, come on, come on, come on, come on, come on, come on, come

00:11:53 - It's not a joke!

00:11:54 - You're crazy!

00:11:55 - You're crazy!

00:11:56 - Come on!

00:11:57 - You put your little chit-chit!

00:11:59 - The little chit-chit!

00:12:01 - That's the chit-chit!

00:12:03 - That's the chit-chit!

00:12:04 - Little chit-chit!

00:12:06 - Little chit-chit!

00:12:07 - And...

00:12:08 - With his little tummy!

00:12:09 - His little tummy!

00:12:11 - Little tummy!

00:12:13 - And you see!

00:12:15 - You're already here!

00:12:16 - You're already here!

00:12:18 - Well, that's how it works!

00:12:19 - No, no, no, no.

00:12:21 - You're a therapist, I'm just a therapist, I'm a therapist.

00:12:25 - Doctors.

00:12:26 - Doctors, doctors.

00:12:27 - You don't have to say that.

00:12:28 - Or you have to say it's great.

00:12:30 - And all of them are filming, right?

00:12:32 - All of them are professionals, not the people in the

00:12:35 - Vm.

00:12:35 - And?

00:12:37 - The people in the Vm.

00:12:38 - Why?

00:12:39 - It's all in the Vm.

00:12:40 - It's all in the Vm.

00:12:41 - What a shame.

00:12:43 - The people in the Vm.

00:12:44 - You get to the 클�óız in short?

00:12:46 - What?

00:12:47 - The people in the Vm.

00:12:48 - What do you mean?

00:12:51 - And with weight!

00:12:52 - Where are you from?

00:12:53 - Where are you from?

00:12:54 - Where are you from?

00:12:55 - Where are you from?

00:12:56 - Are you a male?

00:12:58 - What's the story?

00:12:59 - What's the story?

00:13:00 - According to this...

00:13:01 - It was funny.

00:13:03 - He was a male, but he was a male.

00:13:05 - Did you really take the La Palusa version of Brazil?

00:13:09 - Of course.

00:13:10 - Because if you do it there, if you do it there, if you do it there, if you do it there, if you do it there, if you do it there, if you do it there,

00:13:17 - You're going to understand perfectly the Portuguese that we're talking about.

00:13:23 - This is with all the love in the world, look at this.

00:13:28 - Run to the guys that are selling foquinhos.

00:13:31 - That's what your children are doing.

00:13:33 - But what happened?

00:13:34 - What happened?

00:13:36 - They arrive with a cap.

00:13:40 - They arrive with a cap that ends up being called...

00:13:43 - They have the brazilian condado.

00:13:45 - And that guy was with both players.

00:13:49 - He was with both players.

00:13:51 - Leave it, I'll give you the news.

00:13:53 - It doesn't matter.

00:13:55 - It's not funny.

00:13:57 - It's not funny.

00:13:59 - It's not funny.

00:14:01 - It's not funny.

00:14:03 - It's not funny.

00:14:05 - It's not funny.

00:14:07 - It was a fucking room.

00:14:09 - It was like a 3x3 room.

00:14:11 - He was locked in his room.

00:14:13 - I'm going to jail, I'm going to jail, I'm going to jail, I'm going to jail, I'm going to jail, I'm going to jail, I'm going to jail, I'm going to jail, I'm going to jail, I'm going to jail, I'm going to jail, I'm going to jail, I'm going to jail, I'm going to jail, I'm going to jail, I'm going to jail, I'm going to jail, I'm going to jail, I'm going to jail, I'm going to jail, I'm going to jail, I'm going to jail, I'm going to jail, I'm going to jail, I'm going to jail, I'm going to jail, I'm going to jail, I'm going to jail, I'm going to jail, I'm going to jail, I'm going to jail, I'm going to jail, I'm going to jail, I'm going to jail, I'm going to jail, I'm going to jail, I'm going to jail, I

00:14:43 - Sure.

00:14:44 - And the other guy was more gentleman.

00:14:46 - The other guy was more gentleman.

00:14:48 - And the other guy was more gentleman.

00:14:50 - And the other guy was more gentleman.

00:14:52 - And the other guy was more gentleman.

00:14:54 - He brought a bag of...

00:14:56 - He brought a bag of...


00:15:00 - And they said, where's the cement?

00:15:02 - Or a roll.

00:15:04 - A roll.

00:15:05 - They saw a guitar, two strings.

00:15:07 - No, they had a...

00:15:09 - A little hole in the night.

00:15:10 - This guitar is a ring.

00:15:11 - Because I discovered what Cappino said to them.

00:15:14 - It's a low cost.

00:15:15 - Shut up, you're underage.

00:15:16 - You're underage.

00:15:18 - You're underage.

00:15:21 - You're underage.

00:15:23 - You're underage.

00:15:24 - You're underage like a Ramon.

00:15:26 - Like a Juan.

00:15:27 - Like Juan.

00:15:29 - Like two Ramones in a cup.

00:15:31 - Like that.

00:15:33 - He said, let's get something quiet.

00:15:35 - How do you know?

00:15:37 - How do you know?

00:15:39 - They say, Van Nothing.

00:15:41 - No, no, no.

00:15:43 - That's very mainstream.

00:15:45 - They say it's cultural.

00:15:47 - No, no, no.

00:15:49 - They say, things of the past.

00:15:51 - Ah!

00:15:53 - But with the name, I start like this.

00:15:57 - Mosa.

00:15:59 - Mosa.

00:16:01 - Mosa.

00:16:03 - Look, the beauty of all this, we're going to tell you.

00:16:07 - Well, the battle is good.

00:16:09 - What could happen in Mexico, but it wouldn't be with cash.

00:16:12 - No, it would be with cash.

00:16:14 - The colors are blue, man.

00:16:16 - The color of the wine, the trigué.

00:16:18 - No?

00:16:19 - The little wings of the chalets.

00:16:21 - The chalets.

00:16:22 - The chalets of the chalets.

00:16:24 - The chalets of the chalets.

00:16:26 - I was following the sign of the king.

00:16:28 - No, no, no.

00:16:29 - And there it starts to clean.

00:16:30 - To Coyahir?

00:16:31 - Who said to go to Coyahir?

00:16:32 - No, no.

00:16:33 - No, no.

00:16:34 - You know what?

00:16:35 - All of this, all of this...

00:16:37 - What's that?

00:16:38 - All of this?

00:16:39 - I'll tell you.

00:16:40 - I'm the only one who's serious here.

00:16:42 - All of this is killing me.

00:16:44 - It's like someone wants to see me but it's killing me.

00:16:47 - All of this...

00:16:48 - This is the first time I've heard a guitar.

00:16:50 - I thought it was your first song.

00:16:52 - No, not your first.

00:16:54 - It was your first time being your first brother.

00:16:56 - I was just kidding.

00:16:57 - I was just kidding.

00:16:59 - It's Metallica Maiden.

00:17:01 - It's just Metallica Maiden.

00:17:03 - And how would you sing Master of Puppets?

00:17:08 - Master Rínea!

00:17:10 - Master Loco Piño!

00:17:12 - It's all over here!

00:17:14 - Well, at the end of the day, look...

00:17:16 - Captured!

00:17:18 - It's all over Capiño!

00:17:20 - Capiño was captured!

00:17:22 - Master Force!

00:17:24 - Capiño was captured!

00:17:26 - Capiño was captured!

00:17:30 - Well, what was captured?

00:17:32 - It's all over here!

00:17:34 - Capiño was captured!

00:17:36 - That's how I know I'm a drug addict.

00:17:40 - And...

00:17:42 - That's how Nardegas of Gambia was born.

00:17:47 - That's how the Lord of the Skies was born, right?

00:17:51 - Thanks, Pele.

00:17:54 - That's how it ends.

00:17:56 - Look at the news, it wasn't news, right?

00:17:59 - I didn't understand anything.

00:18:00 - That's the most beautiful thing we've done.

00:18:02 - The most beautiful things we've done.

00:18:04 - This is the one in Cuba that he's picking up, right?

00:18:07 - No, it's the parrot.

00:18:08 - The parrot.

00:18:09 - Good.

00:18:09 - Ah!

00:18:10 - Look!

00:18:13 - What are you doing?

00:18:14 - Wait, wait, wait.

00:18:15 - Wait, wait, wait.

00:18:16 - Look, look, look.

00:18:18 - The people didn't see your mom, dude.

00:18:20 - Welcome to a new delivery, where already, the face where there is public, we are going to give a big applause to the public.

00:18:27 - I'm so excited.

00:18:28 - It's not worth a shit, but if it's not worth a shit, they're just laughing at the pendejo and they don't let us listen.

00:18:32 - Very well.

00:18:34 - The idea of this is that you...

00:18:37 - That Brazil doesn't want to do this.

00:18:39 - Make a podcast.

00:18:40 - The idea of this is that they don't want us.

00:18:42 - And that they don't want to do this to my chest.

00:18:45 - Oh, no way.

00:18:46 - It doesn't reach.

00:18:47 - It doesn't reach the internet.

00:18:48 - No, there's no internet.

00:18:49 - There's no internet.

00:18:50 - They're going to steal it.

00:18:51 - They stole it from the families.

00:18:53 - There's no internet.

00:18:54 - There's no family.

00:18:55 - The network is circulating in the body of Sague.

00:18:58 - And when I say body...

00:18:59 - In Christ's.

00:19:00 - In the body of Sague.

00:19:02 - Tell him! Tell him! Tell him!

00:19:04 - When it comes to Rhodes Bear, we are friends!

00:19:07 - Bye!

00:19:09 - Salvo!

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