Julio  2, 2020



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00:00:00 - This holiday season, you know what I have on my wish list? Adventure! That's why I got a new Honda during the Happy Honda Day sales event.

00:00:09 - They have a whole lineup of rugged all-wheel drive SUVs, CRV, Pilot, Passport. But at the end of the day, I drove off in a new HRV with a bunch of safety features.

00:00:20 - And best of all, I got it on clearance. So don't just sit around knitting an ugly holiday sweater. See your local Honda dealer for Happy Honda Day's clearance pricing today.


00:00:30 - En esta ocasión hablaremos de los beneficios de una dieta saludable.

00:00:34 - Hola, soy Cherie Mercedes, además del ejercicio constante y adecuado, la dieta es una de las formas más famosas de mantenerse saludable y hay una razón por la cual lo que comemos y ponemos en nuestros cuerpos determinará en última instancia como sería nuestra salud.

00:01:03 - Independientemente de lo que hagamos fuera de ella.

00:01:09 - Eso significa que todos los ejercicios y abdominales que hagamos en el Ignacio serán inútiles si continuamos comiendo una comida chatarrán y todo el tiempo que gastemos en cardio cada día en el inicio será en vano si no comemos lo que nuestro cuerpo necesita para apoyar estas acciones el cual la mayoría de las cuales son pesadas.

diet is one of the best ways to orient your health in the right direction.

00:01:52 - As such, the people who are experiencing some kind of condition receive a diet plan that will not adjust to that condition and will help them to overcome it. In this case, the diabetic people receive un plan de dieta basado en diabetes que pueden ayudarles a combatir la enfermedad. Si les ha gustado estas informaciones, dé su comentario más abajo y si les ha gustado también las informaciones, por supuesto, compartala con sus amigos y contactos. Muchas gracias por su apreciado tiempo.

00:02:45 - This holiday season, you know what I have on my wish list?

00:02:52 - Adventure!

00:02:53 - That's why I got a new Honda during the Happy Honda Day sales event.

00:02:56 - They have a whole lineup of rugged, all-wheel-drive SUVs, CR-V, Pilot, Passport, but at the end of the day, I drove off in a new HR-V with a bunch of safety features.

00:03:08 - And best of all, I got it on clearance.

00:03:10 - So don't just sit around knitting an ugly holiday sweater.

00:03:13 - See your local Honda dealer or Happy Honda Day's clearance pricing today.

00:03:19 - This holiday season, you know what I have on my wish list?

00:03:22 - Adventure!

00:03:23 - That's why I got a new Honda during the Happy Honda Day sales event.

00:03:26 - They have a whole lineup of rugged, all-wheel drive SUVs, CRV, Pilot, Passport, but at the end of the day, I drove off in a new HRV with a bunch of safety features.

00:03:37 - And best of all, I got it on clearance.

00:03:40 - So don't just sit around knitting an ugly holiday sweater.

00:03:43 - See your local Honda dealer or happy Honda Day's clearance pricing today.