Julio  6, 2021

Episodio 44: Deportes - Box, Futbol y F1

Te contamos al estilo de Entre Gatos todo lo relacionado con la pelea de Floyd Mayweather, la final de Nation League y la carrera de Checo Pérez.
Comparte este episodio:
Episode cover: Deportes - Box, Futbol y F1

00:00:30 - Welcome to entre gatos of course

00:00:41 - Some gatos that peel and are not egipses

00:00:45 - How was it?

00:00:48 - Very good.

00:00:49 - How was Bali?

00:00:50 - Very good.

00:00:51 - Bali?

00:00:52 - Toa Bora.

00:00:53 - That's the mountain of agarrona.

00:00:56 - It was Ibiza.

00:00:57 - Toa Bora.

00:00:58 - Toa Bora.

00:00:59 - Toa Bora.

00:01:00 - Toa Bora.

00:01:01 - Toa Bora.

00:01:02 - There's also the Samkans.

00:01:03 - There's flour too.

00:01:05 - How are the clamatitos?

00:01:07 - It's good.

00:01:08 - It's good.

00:01:09 - It's good?

00:01:10 - It's good.

00:01:11 - It's raining.

00:01:12 - It's perfect climate.

00:01:13 - It's a bit bad.

00:01:14 - The rich fish, the fish eye, how did you come back?

00:01:18 - I almost had a fish eye.

00:01:20 - I already had a fish eye.

00:01:21 - The fish eyes.

00:01:22 - The rings, all right?

00:01:23 - All right.

00:01:24 - The fish eyes.

00:01:25 - I didn't order anything.

00:01:26 - Perfect.

00:01:27 - All right, all right.

00:01:28 - I like it.

00:01:29 - It's good, right?

00:01:30 - I'll come back.

00:01:31 - No infection.

00:01:32 - I know, Pastor.

00:01:33 - How are the lenses?

00:01:35 - Wow!

00:01:36 - Wow!

00:01:37 - Empanadies!

00:01:38 - The lenses!

00:01:39 - Ah!

00:01:40 - How is it?

00:01:41 - You've got some stuff on your side, all very pretty.

00:01:46 - What?

00:01:47 - You're hot.

00:01:48 - C'mon, go for it!

00:01:50 - Ah, c'mon!

00:01:52 - It hurts!

00:01:53 - Did you find Albert Caguala?

00:01:55 - No, I didn't.

00:01:56 - You don't need to know that.

00:01:58 - I didn't do that.

00:01:59 - Dora, I beat my lawyer with a little...

00:02:02 - Sure.

00:02:03 - I'm going to look for a good guy.

00:02:05 - If you've got three more minutes, go get him!

00:02:08 - He's like the epizopist!

00:02:10 - He was like one of the first kids in the 90s.

00:02:13 - He was like...

00:02:14 - Yeah, he has to apply it like that.

00:02:16 - Very good.

00:02:17 - Very good.

00:02:18 - Well, after the break, we're going to start with some sports news.

00:02:23 - More active?

00:02:24 - Ooh!

00:02:25 - No, and when you say...

00:02:26 - What did you do?

00:02:27 - It was a great fight, man.

00:02:29 - I mean, seeing me and Werner back against a YouTuber, well, what are you waiting for?

00:02:34 - What are you going to kill him?

00:02:35 - No?

00:02:36 - But what happened?

00:02:37 - Well, in a fight, clearly,

00:02:39 - How do you like the gringos?

00:02:41 - Black vs white

00:02:43 - Black vs white

00:02:45 - It's because they don't have a lot of their arms

00:02:47 - They don't have a lot of legs

00:02:49 - They don't have a lot of legs

00:02:51 - They don't have a lot of legs

00:02:53 - They don't have a lot of legs

00:02:55 - They don't have a lot of legs

00:02:57 - They don't have a lot of legs

00:02:59 - They don't have a lot of legs

00:03:01 - How old are you?

00:03:03 - I'm 47

00:03:05 - How old are you?

00:03:07 - I don't know what you're talking about.

00:03:08 - I don't know what you're talking about.

00:03:09 - I don't know what you're talking about.

00:03:10 - I don't know what you're talking about.

00:03:11 - I don't know what you're talking about.

00:03:12 - I don't know what you're talking about.

00:03:13 - I don't know what you're talking about.

00:03:14 - I don't know what you're talking about.

00:03:15 - I don't know what you're talking about.

00:03:16 - I don't know what you're talking about.

00:03:17 - I don't know what you're talking about.

00:03:18 - I don't know what you're talking about.

00:03:19 - I don't know what you're talking about.

00:03:20 - I don't know what you're talking about.

00:03:21 - I don't know what you're talking about.

00:03:22 - I don't know what you're talking about.

00:03:23 - I don't know what you're talking about.

00:03:24 - I don't know what you're talking about.

00:03:25 - Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah

00:03:55 - I thought that the one who plays the pastels was the one who is going to win.

00:04:01 - The one who has the best program is Carlos Trex.

00:04:06 - He has the best program.

00:04:09 - He already won the first round.

00:04:11 - In the first round of the game, the first round of the game was the verbal round.

00:04:15 - No, but he won the prizes.

00:04:17 - He won the prizes.

00:04:18 - He won the prizes.

00:04:20 - He won the prizes.

00:04:22 - He won the prizes.

00:04:24 - In fact, they're hugging me, but it seems like their parents are wearing silken clothes and wearing the dome.

00:04:30 - Ah! Like, like, like, ordering oil and that, like...

00:04:34 - Oh, you have to know his dad's name, like Vicente.

00:04:36 - Oh! Like Vicente, like, like, like...

00:04:37 - You had to put it on your face to look like Bajocito.

00:04:40 - I'm sorry, I'm sorry.

00:04:41 - I'm sorry.

00:04:42 - Okay, so this fight.

00:04:44 - The lawsuit against the dolphins, they thought they filled it, since they'd started seeing them as shit and people were not.

00:04:52 - The last one I had was with Garmarino, the one with the most ashes.

00:04:56 - The one with the most ashes?

00:04:58 - With the most ashes.

00:04:59 - With the most ashes.

00:05:04 - The fucking commentators, right?

00:05:06 - They're like, mom, how can it be possible that Floyd looks like an idiot?

00:05:10 - I hope so, dude.

00:05:11 - But with what?

00:05:13 - Millions of dollars, dude!

00:05:15 - You have an antecedent against McGregor, a pinche payasara and say that they pay 100 million de verdes wepor pero dice dice floy yo ya me retiré de profesional pero no me he retirado de hacerle la mano de hacerle la mano de hacerle la mano de hacerle la mano de hacerle la mano entonces es una pelea 8 rounds los más aburridos que te puedes imaginar en el mundo y pues no hay jueces

00:05:46 - No, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no

00:06:16 - He's gonna give us $99,000.

$1 million is your pay, because...

00:06:22 - I don't care man.

00:06:23 - With what are you gonna learn the cigarettes?

00:06:25 - Yes, yes...

00:06:26 - With the fact that your ass is going to clean your ass.

00:06:28 - You know what?

00:06:29 - You're gonna hit $100,000 and if you die, man...

00:06:31 - I haven't bought a paper, man.

00:06:33 - Well, this is still a piece of cake.

00:06:35 - But you have to see if it's worth it.

00:06:37 - It looks like a piece of cake, still complete, the dog.

00:06:40 - You won't be able to go out in a story showing your suitcase with its $100,000.

00:06:45 - Of course!

00:06:46 - Of course!

00:06:47 - Like the love of the mother.

00:06:48 - And it should be a reality show like the Devil's Miguel, right?

00:06:51 - It doesn't have a need.

00:06:53 - No.

00:06:54 - It's like giving us a package, right?

00:06:57 - I mean, it's the same package.

00:06:59 - With that, even if you put real chescaetas, there's no problem.

00:07:03 - We imagine that it's going to be awesome.

00:07:06 - It has the effects of the movies of Kung Fu, The Altar, that some of these are like bamboo,

00:07:12 - How do you do that?

00:07:14 - How do you...

00:07:15 - How do you touch the ropes?

00:07:16 - Like the other guys?

00:07:17 - Like the other guys?

00:07:17 - Like Robyn from...

00:07:18 - Antanio?

00:07:24 - Yes, but after that boring prank we're going to another invalid fight...

00:07:29 - Which is...

00:07:30 - The national league...

00:07:32 - National League...

00:07:34 - Mamma!

00:07:35 - Is there that one too?

00:07:37 - There is one, but they have to get it out of the prank!

00:07:39 - It's a league where...

00:07:40 - It's the pinche con el cab de toda la vida.

00:07:42 - So where do you participate in the United States?

00:07:44 - Mexico against San Marino.

00:07:46 - It's a tournament that you can lose all the tournament, just to see the finals.

10 points.

10 points.

00:07:56 - Very good, in the ranking.

00:07:58 - For the ranking.

00:08:00 - Yes.

00:08:02 - It's the same, it helps you to qualify for the World Cup.

00:08:04 - That you stay...

00:08:06 - To be head of the series.

00:08:08 - And well, Mexico said we can't be happy in this country if we don't cross the blue something.

00:08:15 - Cross the blue, the champion says we have to play since 2017 that the United States will win the final.

00:08:21 - So, yes, it's one of those that get a little hot.

00:08:26 - I mean, like...

00:08:27 - And then it's full-time.

00:08:28 - And then you do it to your mom, right?

00:08:30 - And then the way they lose, right?

00:08:32 - A pinche, a penalty that...

00:08:34 - That you weren't from the United States.

00:08:37 - Another penalty kick that also happens in Mexico.

00:08:42 - It always happens the same way.

00:08:43 - What a show!

00:08:44 - Guardado says,

00:08:45 - Don't worry.

00:08:46 - Yes, with a lot of balls, you take the ball, there's no problem.

00:08:49 - I play in the Betis Mankagane, man.

00:08:51 - The Rikaga, man, the Kaga.

00:08:53 - Oh, man, this is the end of the match.

00:08:55 - A match...

00:08:56 - Who's the title?

00:08:57 - Ah, the nation.

00:08:59 - The nation, that's it.

00:09:01 - I mean, I don't move, but it's worth it.

00:09:03 - I said, ah, whatever it is, I also think about it.

00:09:04 - But after the elections, he ended up being a Berrinche.

00:09:07 - He's got the fucking...

00:09:09 - He's got the Mexican-style aficionade.

00:09:12 - Oh, yeah, the Mexican-style aficionade.

00:09:14 - On Sunday?

00:09:15 - I can see that for a reason.

00:09:16 - The Mexican-style aficionade.

00:09:18 - Again, this fucking Chinese-style aficionade.

00:09:23 - No, no, no.

00:09:24 - You said we didn't fuck.

00:09:26 - Ah, ah, ah.

00:09:27 - But they didn't tell us we were going to fuck.

00:09:30 - They also said we were going to fuck.

00:09:32 - They were playing for the homophobic team, which the FIFA doesn't understand that he's not a player, but that he's a player.

00:09:37 - Now they shouted Jotoh, right?

00:09:38 - Wait, wait, I'm just kidding.

00:09:40 - Jotoh?

00:09:41 - Jotoh, right?

00:09:42 - Jotoh, right?

00:09:43 - Puyo, they shout.

00:09:44 - Puyo, Puyo, okay.

00:09:45 - Puyo, Puyo, Puyo, Puyo.

00:09:48 - The one who is good, the one who is bad.

00:09:50 - Lopa Yul.

00:09:52 - Ah, a game.

00:09:54 - Don't respect the ex-patron, really.

00:09:56 - A round of matches.

00:09:58 - The last 25 minutes, very intense.

00:10:01 - Good game, good game, it was a good game.

00:10:03 - And then back to Mexico.

00:10:05 - I was playing a single game, I think.

00:10:07 - Mexico, it was like 2-0.

00:10:09 - I went to vote.

1-0, then 1-1, 2-1, 2-1, 2-2.

00:10:14 - And then the penalty.

00:10:16 - The penalty was the last minute to make it dramatic.

00:10:18 - The last minute of the extra time.

00:10:20 - I saved the order to the hands of the goalkeeper.

00:10:22 - I ended up winning.

00:10:24 - Something that really pissed me off was the referee, right?

00:10:26 - That guy wants to be...

00:10:27 - I lost control.

00:10:28 - That guy wants to be the protagonist.

00:10:30 - He gave him a very clear exposure, he was already upset, he gave him some exposure, he was upset.

00:10:36 - He was a shit.

00:10:37 - And well, we all thought he was going to be very happy that Sunday, because there were elections, we thought we were going to send Morina to hell.

00:10:43 - And yes, we had happiness that Sunday.

00:10:46 - Yes, yes.

00:10:47 - And everything was fine.

00:10:48 - In the morning it was solved, the morning solved the whole week.

00:10:52 - All the shit that happened.

00:10:54 - Chiquito Pérez told us to give me five races with Red Bull so that I can take my level with the RB

00:11:02 - That's right

00:11:03 - And they passed six races and in Baku, Mr. Chico Pérez is a piece of shit

00:11:09 - Chava will tell us what happened this Sunday

00:11:12 - Ah, Mote

00:11:13 - Very good

00:11:14 - Very good

00:11:17 - A friend

00:11:18 - No Mote, God

00:11:19 - You are responsible

00:11:21 - Before you

00:11:22 - You?

00:11:22 - Oh yeah.

00:11:23 - A lot.

00:11:24 - In what position does he start?

00:11:26 - Sixth?

00:11:27 - Sixth.

00:11:27 - Okay.

00:11:28 - And...

00:11:30 - It was seventh but...

00:11:32 - He started with a...

00:11:34 - Norris.

00:11:35 - Sixth.

00:11:36 - For a mom...

00:11:37 - Technically?

00:11:38 - Textual?

00:11:39 - And then in the beginning of the race he started with two f**king positions.

00:11:43 - Four, five, six.

00:11:45 - The third one by Hechie.

00:11:46 - Who started the poll?

00:11:47 - Leclerc.

00:11:48 - Leclerc.

00:11:49 - Leclerc.

and then Verstappen and then...

no, Sainz no, Verstappen yes, Verstappen and Gasly and Chiqui well, the truth is a bit of a mess a very accidental race first it goes with problems in the car, then it rolls and it falls and it breaks

00:12:18 - You're doing very well, aren't you?

00:12:20 - Yes, I don't remember very well.

00:12:22 - Hey, how can you remember so much if you were a lawyer?

00:12:27 - I don't remember, because it was the last day that I had a job.

00:12:35 - So I don't remember, I had the whole week to start making videos, because I didn't have a job.

00:12:42 - So you don't want me to work?

00:12:44 - No.

00:12:45 - Do you want to send a greeting to your bosses?

00:12:47 - Of course, I'm sorry.

00:12:49 - Of course, you're right next to me.

00:12:52 - You're right next to me with that guy.

00:12:56 - You can't be my mom to convince me.

00:12:58 - You're right next to me with that guy.

00:13:02 - You're right next to me with that guy.

00:13:04 - You're right next to me with that guy.

00:13:06 - You're right next to me with that guy.

00:13:08 - You're right next to me with that guy.

00:13:10 - So, you're right next to me with that guy.

00:13:12 - It's amazing to see him again.

00:13:14 - Yes.

00:13:15 - No, no, no, what was really cool...

00:13:17 - Let's talk about the big detail, right?

00:13:18 - What a cool detail.

00:13:19 - What happened to Hamid?

00:13:20 - No, no, no, no, but...

00:13:22 - The first Verstappen.

00:13:23 - Verstappen.

00:13:24 - Verstappen.

00:13:25 - Verstappen, the first two, no?

00:13:26 - Yes, it electrified the wheels...

00:13:28 - Well, before that, it was very fast with Mercedes.

00:13:32 - Very fast in the straights.

00:13:33 - It was a straight...

00:13:34 - It was a straight, one of the big ones.

00:13:36 - Of the calendar, but this one is a tiny area where Red Bull was flying.

00:13:41 - Yes.

00:13:41 - He was flying, he was very good at the car.

00:13:43 - That was a good one, Fluxieler.

00:13:45 - Yeah, that's a good one.

00:13:47 - Well, it doesn't exist.

00:13:49 - It doesn't exist.

00:13:51 - No, it doesn't.

00:13:53 - It starts to press hard during the whole Hamilton's career in Checo.

00:13:59 - Checo, calm down.

00:14:01 - In this one, there's a lot of holes.

00:14:03 - But in this one, there's a pretext.

00:14:05 - In this one, Checo picked Hamilton.

00:14:07 - Yeah, that's it.

00:14:09 - In all of them.

00:14:11 - And then at the end of the tunnel

00:14:13 - At the end there is a perfect way for Checo

00:14:17 - Checo starts the game

00:14:19 - I'm going to do this again

00:14:21 - They work very well Red Bull

00:14:24 - Verstappen and Checos start to understand

00:14:27 - Checo made the shield

00:14:29 - Checos was holding

00:14:32 - Mr. Hamilton

00:14:34 - He was holding and holding

00:14:38 - Checo brought the rhythm

00:14:40 - The rhythm of Verstappel, but he started to let it start to separate, then they do Red Bull, there is a term called the undercut that is when you enter a pitch and the one who enters first can do an undercut to the one who is, or vice versa, the one who does not because you enter first means that you are doing the undercut and what matters about the undercut who stayed ahead after the strategy to keep covering the position then I was first

00:15:14 - Hamilton Hamilton between pits then enter this is how we are going to enter first first then I go into Hamilton and then I go into Checo Checo of a turn no no no and made a return record and as it is called and it goes out back to the back and ahead of Hamilton

00:15:32 - That's right.

00:15:33 - So, he left everything behind.

00:15:36 - At the end it was dramatic because he had the S&P Strapin.

00:15:40 - And he started again from the start of his career.

00:15:44 - And there he saw what the C.C. is.

00:15:47 - The bastard said, I'm going to refer you to the Laminator.

00:15:50 - The C.P.

00:15:51 - Yes, man.

00:15:52 - He agreed when he was driving the bus.

00:15:55 - But he's always been there.

00:15:56 - I've seen him always.

00:15:57 - He's the Laminator.

00:15:58 - He's a great guy.

00:15:59 - He's very chill, right?

00:16:00 - The pinch is jammed.

00:16:02 - And he wants to hit him and he's like,

00:16:04 - I saw you with the pinch, I saw you with the pinch.

00:16:06 - I think he was a taxi driver or a bus driver.

00:16:08 - So much here, it's not just,

00:16:10 - I check that they're first, but it makes him jam.

00:16:14 - I mean, he's jamming.

00:16:16 - He's jamming at a time.

00:16:18 - No, no, no.

00:16:20 - They left the order that he pressed a brake button.

00:16:24 - And the magic button, that he pressed with all the Zs.

00:16:28 - This is the one that got the pressure on the pins.

00:16:32 - Control the spring.

00:16:34 - The pinches get the curve and it goes right.

00:16:39 - It goes right.

00:16:41 - It goes all the way around.

00:16:43 - It goes all the way around.

00:16:45 - The last three laps of the circuit.

00:16:47 - It went.

00:16:49 - The two pins.

00:16:51 - The superpeller and boots.

00:16:53 - There are no animals.

00:16:55 - Chaco with the f**king car.

00:16:57 - He says, they'll get to the end!

00:16:59 - He says, they'll pay!

00:17:01 - The car's got a hydraulic finish and it has to be off.

00:17:05 - It doesn't have to reach the pit area.

00:17:09 - Can't take the car to the bus stop.

00:17:12 - When the van passes the wall to the point of the car, it will be like, Oh my!

00:17:20 - It has to be off!

00:17:22 - Yes!

00:17:23 - All the commands of the car in Checo Pena arrive in Torriendo

00:17:27 - In Torriendo, man, that's really cool

00:17:30 - I'm going to fall because I'm going to arrive in Chico La Chiga

00:17:32 - Run, run, run, no

00:17:34 - The detail is really cool, because...

00:17:36 - Push the camera

00:17:38 - Because it could be a second of the mechanic

00:17:40 - It could be a second of the mechanic

00:17:42 - You already rocked it

00:17:44 - Put the clutch, man

00:17:46 - Put the clutch, man

00:17:48 - Put the clutch who doesn't

00:18:10 - What never happened, everyone congratulated Chico.

00:18:13 - All the skudderias congratulated Chico.

00:18:16 - It was all of them.

00:18:18 - Martin and Rayson Point were awesome.

00:18:21 - Now they won.

00:18:23 - No, what I know is that Chico is going to have a great career.

00:18:28 - He was laughing, he was laughing.

00:18:31 - It was beautiful that he said, you are complete.

00:18:34 - No, before he was quiet.

00:18:36 - Before he was quiet.

00:18:39 - And I'm like, like, I'm like, what are you doing?

00:18:41 - Of course, I'm not.

00:18:43 - I'm just joking.

00:18:45 - If it works, do it in the fucking way.

00:18:47 - Guys?

00:18:48 - Yes.

00:18:49 - With that you got a result.

00:18:50 - And you do it in the fucking way.

00:18:51 - Remember, you lose your car, you lose your family, they say.

00:18:54 - They're like, fuck off, fuck off, fuck off, fuck off, fuck off.

00:18:57 - We're leaving with this.

00:18:58 - We're leaving with this.

00:19:00 - We're leaving with this.

00:19:01 - You're leaving, you're leaving, you're leaving.

00:19:02 - You're leaving to Mexico.

00:19:04 - And what the fuck do you do in the selection?

00:19:05 - I'm leaving to Mexico.

00:19:06 - Well, what are we waiting for?

00:19:08 - What is the price of that house and how much is it?

00:19:10 - Of course, yes.

00:19:11 - But they would have given it to you in a long time.

00:19:13 - So that you are a boy.

00:19:14 - And well, then let's go.

00:19:15 - What is the food for the government?

00:19:17 - What are the prices for economic food?

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